Local Authority Action on Climate Change
In these pages we assess the Climate Action plans of Warwickshire's Local Authorities. In Warwickshire there are three tiers of local government, with the County Council having the widest jurisdiction, followed by District Councils, with Town Councils and Parish Councils below them. As a result there is a somewhat confusing division of responsibilities.
One of the best sources of information and assessment is Climate Emergency UK. Between June and November of 2021 they assessed all UK city, county, district and borough councils against nine criteria, and, giving each criterion a suitable weighting, derived an overall figure for each council.
- The best county was Somerset, whose overall score was 63%. The average for counties was 40%, and Warwickshire County Council scored just 25%, placing it 17th out of 24. Below we give a detailed comparison of Warwickshire and Somerset.
- The best district was Somerset West and Taunton, with 91%. The average was 43%, and the scores for Warwick District Council and Stratford District Council were 53% and 33% respectively, placing them 47th and 85th out of 191 district councils.
- Nuneaton and Bedworth, Rugby and North Warwickshire Councils were among the 37 district and borough councils scoring 0 -- they had no climate emergency plan at the time of the survey.