Kenilworth Town Council

Kenilworth Town Council (KTC) declared a Climate Emergency on the 1st of August 2019, and set up a working group
"... tasked with producing ... a detailed road-map that will help to encourage and enable public and community-led schemes
for carbon reduction in Kenilworth."
Following announcements in the local media, contact with local community groups, and invitations to personal contacts,
a working group was formed, comprising five cross-party local councillors and thirteen local residents. The group meets,
usually online, about every six weeks.
The Roadmap explains how the group proposes to help organisations, residents, businesses and institutions in Kenilworth reduce
their greenhouse gas emissions.
In the past three years, the working group has
- supported existing groups in the town which are helping their members to become more environmentally friendly and reduce their carbon footprint, such as Kenilworth Altogether Greener, Kenilworth Lions and Kenilworth Chamber of Trade;
- helped to establish new community groups, such as Repair Café Kenilworth, Bee-friendly Kenilworth, and Kenilworth Electric Vehicles Group;
- organised webinars on Green Homes energy and on electric vehicles;
- promoted the climate road-map at Eco-fairs, Talisman Market and Lions Grand Show in Kenilworth;
- lobbied local councils on environmental issues, including needs of local cyclists and the energy efficiency of new council-owned homes;
- engaged with local schools, including the new proposed Eco-School at Kenilworth School;
- engaged with local businesses, including reducing the use of non-recyclable disposable cups;
- engaged with local groups, landowners and agencies on the potential for natural flood risk reduction;
- produced a quarterly online Climate Road Map Newsletter which informs businesses, residents and community groups about local events, WDC/WCC actions, reducing their carbon footprint, solar energy etc.